Sydney/Schwalbach. As part of a 20-person delegation of German entrepreneurs, Mr. Sascha Schwindt, Nanopool’s Managing Director, took part in the summit meeting of the G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance (G20 YEA) in Sydney / Australia in mid July.
At this yearly meeting of managers and founders from the 20 leading industrial nations in the world, chances and problems of the “young economy” were discussed and recommendations for action for the international politics were developed.
There was a communiqué adopted regarding the central theme of this year, “youth unemployment”, by the G20-junior summit, mentioning demands such as better education access and better conditions for company founding. Those ideas will be included to the consultations at the summit of the G20 heads of state and government taking place in Brisbane in November this year.
“The meeting in Sydney was a fantastic opportunity to exchange with successful persons from all over the world, who sometimes have similar problems but often also great solutions”, Sascha Schwindt declares. “By comparing the conditions and perspectives in other countries, the German economy can profit enormously. Especially exciting is to contribute for finding possibilities for a sustainable economic growth for all over the world.” After discussions with many of the 400 participants of this summit, Mr. Schwindt is especially impressed what high status the topic “entrepreneurship” has in other countries. “The complete German delegation took manifold stimulations back home. Now we will try to realise the one or the other idea back in Germany.
During this G20-meeting, Nanopool-MD Mr. Schwindt also had the possibility to talk to a representative of the UN-development programme UNDP. The main topic of this discussion was the importance of a successful knowledge transfer as a prerequisite for the economic progress in the Third World. It was also agreed to explore concrete perspectives of cooperation in further discussions.