New mind – why old paths run in circles

In almost all challenges that keep the world busy, a long-term problem solving is usually hindered by a widespread behavior pattern: people do far too often re-act, but change things too rarely. This means that the problem dictates pace and directions of travel. Solutions are thought of in terms of damage limitation instead of addressing the causes.

We have to break out of this defensive thinking and look at things with a new mind!

Let’s just think of the burning topics of the past months and years: The investigation for a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, research into more recyclable plastic, the development of environmentally friendly pest control – only three examples, but all confirm the principle: A problem arises and man reacts to it.

But what if we instead find solutions that start at the root of the problem and thus not only combat the acute challenges, but also ensure greater security in the future?

New viruses will appear, recycled plastic will still pollute the earth as garbage at the end of their recycling life-span and all kinds of poisons and chemicals will come back to us at some point more or less directly.

So, it’s time to walk on new paths! New ways that the NP-team will share with you on these pages in the future. Join us and let yourself be inspired!