Celebrating Child Health on World Children’s Day: Nanopool’s Liquid Glass Revolution at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital

Nanopool's Flüssigglas-Revolution im Alder Hey Kinderkrankenhaus

This World Children’s Day allows us to celebrate a critical innovation that has proliferated in recent years. Originally introduced at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, this innovation has been successfully implemented in numerous health facilities and kindergartens. It involves the prophylactic treatment of toys and frequently touched surfaces to reduce the spread of disease-causing bacteria.

The innovation we’re talking about is Nanopool’s liquid glass coating. By applying this coating, toys and contact surfaces become invisible fortresses against bacteria and infections. This technology has significantly improved the standard of hygiene in children’s environments and stands for the protection of our children, the future of our world.

Pauline Bradshaw, Head of Infection Prevention at Alder Hey Hospital, has highlighted the importance of hygiene in toys and contact surfaces. She even compares it to the cleanliness of medical devices. Through collaboration with Nanopool, the hospital was able to revolutionize the disinfection of toys and other surfaces.

Nanopool, a leading family-owned company, has been setting new standards in the industry since its foundation. The patented liquid glass coating not only provides an effective disinfection method, but also significantly simplifies the cleaning of toys and contact surfaces. This means less time and effort for cleaning staff and more time for the care and nursing of children.

Our special thanks today go to Alder Hey Hospital for the trust placed in us at the beginning of our cooperation and for their pioneering role in the field of hygiene. The efforts of both sides have the potential to change the lives of many children for the better.

Let’s celebrate child health today and together create a safer and healthier environment for our children. Not just on World Children’s Day, but every day of the year, the wellbeing of our children is at the center of our efforts.