Why crop protection is importantOccasionally it fades a little into the background of our consciousness next to new, overwhelming topics, but hunger is still one...
Why long-term protection is the clever alternative to disposable gloves
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, they have adorned the new streetscape in a questionable way: disposable gloves that, together with mouth and nose covers,...
Virus Load: The End of the Windmill Fight
Weeks before the planned handover of defeated US President Donald Trump to his successor Joe Biden, an extraordinarily thorough deep cleaning of all areas in...
Ein revolutionärer Durchbruch für die Verpackungsindustrie
Internationales Finanz- und Wirtschaftsmagazin CFI honoriert NP® Flüssigglastechnologie als Europas „beste grüne alternative Innovation 2020“ London, UK / Schwalbach, Deutschland. 30. Juli 2020 Nach eigener...
Una svolta rivoluzionaria per l’industria dell’imballaggio
La rivista internazionale di finanza ed economia CFI premia la tecnologia NP Vetroliquido come Best Green Alternative Innovation Europe 2020. Londra, UK / Schwalbach, Germania,...
A revolutionary breakthrough for the packaging industry
The international finance and economics journal CFI honours the NP Liquid Glass technology as Europe’s best green alternative innovation 2020 London, UK / Schwalbach, Germany,...